How to start your first professional blog?

How to start your first professional blog?
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Everyone can make a blog and it is free. What topic to be a blog topic, what contents look like to be write, how to communicate to the visitors etc must be considered before making a blog. This is because if you wanna make your blog more professional and of course if you wanna make money from blog. Do you?

Making a blog is easy. But, to build a professional blog is hard for some people especially for beginners. There is a difference between making a blog and building a blog. Making a blog means you just make a blog. But, building a blog means you have to have strategies and skills to make your blog more professional and beautiful.

Professional here means a blog which is considerable with choosing an exact topic, theme design, social media, blog content, niche, and communication. A beginner probably still confused where he should start his professional blog. Here are the things you have to consider before starting your professional blog:

Blog name

Blog name is important to make your blog exist in the internet. Choose the name which easy to mention and remember. Blog name also can help you more easily indexed by search engine. For example, or you can put keyword in your blog name such as etc.

Blog topic

Some beginners maybe still confused what topic to be the blog topic is. Before making a blog, you may make topics list which are you can take one of them to be your blog topic. Decide one of them that you think very nice and interesting for you. The most important thing is that you have to choose a topic that you are interested in. For example, you have a skill about computer services. It is better for you to make a blog about computer services.

Most beginners doing something wrong here. They choose a topic that can bring more people such as fashion, health, or forex trading. But on the other side, they don’t understand about it. Finally they copy paste articles from other blogs to make posts. I think this is the worse way to be a professional blogger. Try to take a topic which you really understand. It can make you more easily to develop your blog consistently.

The second important thing that you have to know is about niche. Niche here means very specific topic. For example you are interested in health. You can specify the topic (health) become maybe about diet tips, weight loss, nutrition, drugs and others. Specific topic is very useful for blogger. There are so many blog or website that has already explained about the same topic such as health. It is really hard for you to make a blog with general topic. Niche topic helps you to keep focus on what you will convey in your blog. Google likes a blog that focus to the specific topic.

Niche topic leads you to know your market target. Niche topic makes your blog become the clear positioning. If you wanna make money from your blog such as Google Adsense, niche topic makes you more easily to have a deal with Google Adsense Program.

Blog platform

There are so many platforms for making a blog. The most popular are Blogger and Wordpress. The platform has each advantage. Such as in Blogger, you can easily change form and design theme as like you want. The same also in Wordpress platform. Wordpress has so many plugs in that helps you to add more widgets in your blog. More widgets, can make your blog more beautiful hehe.
Blogger and Worpress provide free themes. You can choose one of them that you think suited to your topic. Or you can also find out any theme you like by download or purchase. 

Custom domain and hosting

If you really want to make a blog as your personal business, custom domain is very important for your blog. Custom domain can make your blog easier to find in search engine (SEO). Not only that, users believe that your blog is feasible to be visited. It gives them the sign that your blog has the quality of your content there. There are so many custom domain providers you can find. Maybe you have to pay for buying custom domain you need. If you wanna buy a custom domain, I recommend you to buy “COM” or “NET”. COM is the most popular custom domain. You can register or claim your domain custom to these several domain hosting provider such as,,, and many more.


Think about the opportunity when you are going to write content for your blog. “Time is money” and “Time is sword”. Use your time effectively to build your blog. This is no problem if you wanna be a fulltime blogger. But, if blogging just for your additional job, this is important for you to make a proper schedule when you have to blog.

That’s all the things that you have to consider before you start your blog. Comments, suggestion and critics are very important to increase and enhance this blog. Thank you…

How to monetize your blog professionally and effectively for beginners?

How to monetize your blog professionally and effectively for beginners?
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Monetize your blog means you can earn money from the blog you have made. Each bloggers has their own ways and strategies to monetize their blog or site. One or maybe most of their blogs have already produced much money maybe thousands dollars per month or even more. This is because they have proper strategies how to make their blogs professionally designed and effectively making money. Are there a secret? of course yes!!!

Most bloggers have already monetize their blogs/sites. The reason why you should monetize your blog is that you respect your time as long you build your blog. The more time you spent, the more thing you can get from it (money or else). So the question is, How long you build your own blog? How professional you treat to enhance your blog? Let's know it deeply!

Before you go (Start to monetize your blog), you have to have at least one blog to monetize. Do not think about how much money that you can earn just by one blog or site. But, think that this is your first time to try your skill how to earn money from your grand blog. After you know all aspects of monetizing cases, you can produced more blogs to build you better life.

Here at least 5 things that you have to consider before monetizing your blog professionally and effectively:

Blog Topic

Before you build your blog, think about the topic you are interested. Such as Computer services, Blog hobbies, Gadgets, Daily health tips and many more. Don't choose topic that you do not know or understand about that. For example, you make a blog about fashion, while you don't know anything about this. Your blog is not look as a professional blog. Something that you feel that is not interesting wont make you work better. Choose the topic you are interested. You will have a passion to build your blog. Your blog will be different to others. Because you use your own words to make a post.

Blog topic can be the heart of the blog. What you will give to readers must be around the topic. Your blog not only popular about the interesting topic, but also will be professional blog because you make your blog into niche blog. By niche blog, you can decide your target visitors and your blog will be brand positioning towards engine search and user.

Blog design

Think about your blog design. I mean here  is your template design. Choose the template that made SEO Friendly. SEO Friendly means that your blog is not required to do anything about how to optimize your blog in Search Engine. Just like meta content, Keyword HTML, etc. Blog design is also related to the background of your theme. If your blog topic is about Healthy Life Tips, your blog theme must be the good looking theme. Such as white background, green widget header etc. By good design, your blog not only professional in blog theme, but also effectively to make visitors like and stay more long time because of your beautiful theme.


SEO (Search Engine optimization) is on of the most important thing that you have to do. SEO means that your blog or content indexed by Search engine like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc whether in the first page, second or even not indexed. It is actually according to you how to optimize your blog effectively. There are so many ways how to SEO a blog. Such as Healthy Blog Walking (Not-spam), Submit articles, Content quality, HTML SEO, etc.

If you think that your blog has amount 100 visitors per day, this is your time to make a deal to a Best PPC Program like Google adsense, or maybe you want to monetize your blog by Affiliate program, like Commision Junction, Amazon affiliate, Hotel combined etc. These are according to your interest and need.

Blog content

What is the correlation between Blog content and Monetizing? This can be seen on the visitors that visit your blog. If your blog has no quality content, it can be sure that your blog does not earn money effectively and work professionally. Because, visitors come to your blog to find information. How good is your blog topic is not deciding your visitors growing. Think about the quality, don't think about the entries of the content. Remember "Content is the king". You can't monetize your blog if you has no visitors. So, Make it simple. Quality. Your blog can work professionally, and you can earn money effectively.

Time to make money

Yes, this is your time to make money, after you make good and interest topic, professional theme, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Blog content, and then this this is your exact moment to make a deal to make money program for blog or site. You can decide it as like you want. You may choose PPC, Affiliate program, paid to review etc. You will not be disappointed to make money. This is the easy time to earn.

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